Sunday, May 24, 2020
Comparing and Contrasting Literary Forms - 691 Words
Comparing Contrasting Literary Forms Authors name Authors institutional affiliation Authors note Comparing Contrasting Literary Forms The paper will consider the similarities and differences among the literary forms of drama, poetry, and the short story. Certainly, an obvious similarity is that they are all forms of literature and as such have the great potential to affect peoples hearts, minds, and experiences. Literature, when executive well, has the potential to change a persons perspective, inspire, or otherwise change who that person is and how that person thinks. This is a similarity that each one of these literary forms has in common off the bat. It is the opinion of this author that one of the highest forms of literature is poetry. Poetry is a very old form of literature and it is one of the most challenging forms of literature to write well or successfully. There are far less poets than there are short story writers and dramatists. It is additionally arguable that each form of literature is a type of poetry, or that each form of literature, when at its most beautiful and poignant, is poetic in its successful. There are short stories by Ernest Hemingway that are poetic in how he crafts tropes and other turns of language. There are also poems, in fact, an entire genre of poetry that is arguably a short story or a novel, such as epic poetry. These forms do have distinct characteristics, obviously, or else they would not have separate names for them, butShow MoreRelatedThemes of Regionalism in Cathers A Wagner Matinee Essay617 Words  | 3 Pagesrealism techniques and language throughout the short story. Most of her writing , published at the end of the realist era, was not well accepted. A Wagner Matinee strongly contradicts literary techniques and devices of Romanticism while emphasizing regionalism, a form of realism. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Art of Patient Health Care 2019
Nothing speaks more about the reputation of a company than the loyalty of its customers. Aurora Health Care has a mantra which reflects the company and speaks to why its customers are so loyal: There is a better way to provide health care. That says it all. As a company, Aurora Health Care is constantly working on providing that better way. Aurora Health Care innovates and isnt afraid to show the world the fruits of its labors. In fact, Aurora Health Care continues its legacy by training future doctors and healthcare workers in the art of patient care, and by reinventing the way health care works. A closer look at Aurora will reveal the details. Aurora Health Care holds a unique position in the healthcare industry. Aurora Health Care has 250 locations in 75 Wisconsin communities. The Aurora Health Care Organization includes 14 hospitals, 103 clinics, over 3000 network physicians, and several specialized treatment centers. It is a leader in the healthcare industry, but not in the traditional sense. As Wisconsins largest non- profit health organization, Aurora Health Care isnt concerned with the traditional concerns of health care conglomerates, such as rearing in patient care costs and making a profit. Aurora Health Care takes the lead by making patient care its top priority. Income that Aurora Health Care generates is reinvested into the community it serves and into the programs it offers. This means that Aurora Health Care is able to streamline the efficiency of health care by investing in technologies and programs that satisfies their customer base and their core values. .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9:active, .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ue1eee7b8833efda967d8805cdcb891b9:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Decline in Applications for Online MBA Degrees. Myth or FactA residency at Aurora Health Care is an experience in how a medical facility should be run under diverse conditions. Auroras residency programs are run in two major hospitals: Aurora St. Lukes Medical Center, Wisconsins largest hospital, and Aurora Sinai Medical Center, Wisconsins second oldest hospital. Students may apply for residencies in family practice, internal medicine, OB/GYN, pharmacy, and radiology. Residency programs cover patient care, business practices, administrative policies, and compliance issues. Two of Auroras residency programs rank in the top 50 of US News World Reports medical program rankings: its urology program is ranked 29th in the nation, while its geriatrics program breaks into the top 50 at number 48. All residents are fully covered for liability, medical insurance, group life insurance, and disability. Finally, Aurora Health Care involves its residents in all aspects and decisions relating to patient care. .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684 { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684:active, .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684 { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684 .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684 .post Title { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .u61b81e2b4f57a7a5aa10a3979c1d9684:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Bachelor Degree Nursing Specialties Forensic Nurse Investigators Apply Medical Knowledge to Crime ScenesAurora Health Care also offers innovative training programs to participating personnel. Among the opportunities available are fellowships in cardiology, gastroenterology, and geriatrics. The organization even offers specialty schools in Radiology Technology at St. Lukes and a School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography at Aurora Sinai. Internships are available to medical school graduates in nuclear medicine technology and marriage counseling in the schools Family Therapy Training Institute. Practicing physicians may satisfy continuing education requirements and participate in special certificate programs such as Clinical Aromatherapy. All programs at the school are accredited by the Wisconsin Medical Society . Aurora Health Cares use of current technologies and medical practices shapes the future of health care. Its ability to maintain patient care as a top priority with an eye towards streamlining existing processes certainly lends credence to their mandate There is a better way to provide health care. Related ArticlesHealth Administration Degree Join the Largest Industry in the U.S.Opening Doors to a Health Care Financial Management CareerHealth Care Degree OpportunitiesHealth Care Management College DegreesAssociate Degree in Criminal Justice Online Graduates Have the Opportunity to Assist Inmates with Substance Abuse Issues in WisconsinGreat-West Health Care Gets Great Ratings .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b { padding:0px; margin: 0; padding-top:1em!important; padding-bottom:1em!important; width:100%; display: block; font-weight:bold; background-color:#eaeaea; border:0!important; border-left:4px solid #34495E!important; box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -moz-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -o-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); -webkit-box-shadow: 0 1px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.17); text-decoration:none; } .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b:active, .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacit y 250ms; text-decoration:none; } .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b { transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; } .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b .ctaText { font-weight:bold; color:inherit; text-decoration:none; font-size: 16px; } .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b .postTitle { color:#000000; text-decoration: underline!important; font-size: 16px; } .ue900186081e96f4379cbdf48cc92a30b:hover .postTitle { text-decoration: underline!important; } READ Online Criminal Justice Program Practice Law Enforcement for the Courts as a Bailiff
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Hunters Moonsong Chapter Thirteen Free Essays
Bonnie clutched the banana-nut muffin to her chest as if it was some kind of sacred offering. She just could not bring herself to knock on Matt’s door. Instead, she turned big pleading brown eyes on Meredith and Elena. We will write a custom essay sample on The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirteen or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Oh, Bonnie,†Meredith muttered, reaching past her, shifting the pile of bagels and the carton of orange juice she was carrying, and rapping loudly on the door. â€Å"I don’t know what to say,†Bonnie whispered back, agonized. Then the door opened, and Matt appeared, red-eyed and pale. He seemed somehow smal er and more hunched into himself than Bonnie had ever seen him. Overwhelmed with pity, she forgot al about being nervous and launched herself into his arms, dropping the muffin in the process. â€Å"I’m so sorry,†she choked out, tears running down her face. Matt held on to her tightly, bending over and burying his head in her shoulder. â€Å"It’s okay,†she said final y, desperately, patting the back of his head. â€Å"I mean, no, it’s not †¦ of course it’s not †¦ but we love you, we’re here.†â€Å"I couldn’t help him,†Matt said dul y, his face stil pressed against Bonnie’s neck. â€Å"I tried my best, but he died anyway.†Elena and Meredith joined them, wrapping their arms around Matt from either side. â€Å"We know,†Elena said, rubbing his back. â€Å"You did everything you could for him.†Matt pul ed out of their arms eventual y and gestured around the room. â€Å"Al this stuff is his,†he said. â€Å"His parents don’t feel like they’re ready to clear out his things yet, they told the police. It’s kil ing me to see it al stil here when he’s not. I thought about packing it up for his parents, but there’s a possibility that the police might want to look through his stuff.†Bonnie shuddered at the thought of what Christopher’s parents must be going through. â€Å"Have something to eat,†Meredith said. â€Å"I bet you haven’t eaten for ages. Maybe it’l help you feel better.†Al three girls fussed around, fixing the breakfast they’d brought for Matt, then convincing him to taste something, anything. He drank some juice and picked at a bagel, his head lowered. â€Å"I was at the police station al night,†he said. â€Å"I had to keep going over and over what happened.†â€Å"What did happen?†Bonnie asked tentatively. Matt sighed. â€Å"I real y wish I knew. I just saw somebody dressed in black running away from Christopher. I wanted to chase him, but Chris needed my help. And then he died. I tried, but I couldn’t do anything.†His forehead creased into a frown. â€Å"The real y weird thing, though,†he said slowly, â€Å"is that, even though I saw a person running away, the police think Christopher was attacked by some kind of animal. He was †¦ pretty ripped up.†Elena and Meredith exchanged an alert glance. â€Å"A vampire?†said Meredith. â€Å"Or a werewolf, maybe?†â€Å"I was wondering about that,†Matt admitted. â€Å"It makes sense.†Without seeming to notice, he finished his bagel, and Elena took advantage of his distraction to slip some fruit onto his plate. Bonnie wrapped her arms around herself. â€Å"Why?†she asked. â€Å"Why is it that, wherever we go, weird, scary things happen around us? I thought that once we left Fel ‘s Church things would be different.†No one argued with her. For a little while, they al sat quietly, and Bonnie felt as if they were huddling together, trying to protect themselves from something cold and horrible. Final y, Meredith reached out and took an orange slice off Matt’s plate. â€Å"The first thing we need to do, then, is to investigate and try to figure out if these attacks and disappearances are supernatural.†She chewed thoughtful y. â€Å"As much as I hate to say it, we should probably get Damon on this. He’s good at this kind of thing. And Stefan should know what’s going on, too.†She looked at Elena, her voice gentle. â€Å"I’l talk to them, okay, Elena?†Elena shrugged. Bonnie could tel she was trying to keep her expression blank, but her lips were trembling. â€Å"Of course,†she said after a minute. â€Å"I’m sure they’re both checking things out anyway. You know how paranoid they are.†â€Å"Not without reason,†Meredith said dryly. Matt’s eyes were wet. â€Å"Whatever happens, I need you to promise me something,†he said. â€Å"Please, be careful. I can’t – let’s not lose anyone else, okay?†Bonnie snuggled closer to him, putting her hand on his. Meredith reached over and placed her hand over both of theirs, and Elena added hers to the pile. â€Å"We’l take care of one another,†Elena said. â€Å"A vow,†said Bonnie, trying to smile. â€Å"We’l always watch out for one another. We’l make sure everyone is safe.†At that moment, as they murmured in agreement, she was sure they could do it. Meredith pivoted and stepped forward, swinging her staff down to strike at Samantha’s heavily padded knees. Samantha dodged the blow, then jabbed her own staff straight toward Meredith’s head. Meredith blocked the blow, then thrust her staff at Samantha’s chest. Samantha staggered backward and lost her footing. â€Å"Wow,†she said, rubbing her col arbone and looking at Meredith with a mixture of resentment and appreciation. â€Å"That hurt, even with the padding. I’ve never trained with anyone so strong before.†â€Å"Oh, Well,†Meredith said modestly, feeling absurdly pleased, â€Å"I practice a lot.†â€Å"Uh-huh,†Samantha said, eyeing her. â€Å"Let’s take a break.†She flopped down on the mat, and Meredith, her staff balanced lightly in one hand, sat beside her. It wasn’t her staff, of course, not her special hunting one. She couldn’t bring her heirloom slayer staff to the gym – it was too clearly a customized deadly weapon. But she’d been delighted to learn that Samantha could fight with a four-foot-long jo staff and that she had an extra. Samantha was quick and smart and fierce, one of the best sparring partners she’d ever had. Fighting, Meredith was able to block out the helpless feeling she’d had in Matt’s room this morning. There was something so pathetic about seeing al Christopher’s things sitting there ready for him, when he was never coming back. He had one of those weird little fake Zen gardens on his desk, the sand neatly groomed. Maybe just the day before, Christopher had picked up the tiny rake in his hand and smoothed the sand, and now he’d never touch anything again. And it was her fault. Meredith squeezed her staff, her knuckles whitening. She had to accept that. If she had the power of being a potent force against darkness, a hunter and slayer of monsters, she had the responsibility, too. Anything that got through and kil ed someone in her territory was Meredith’s failure and her shame. She had to work harder. Practice more, go out patrol ing the campus, keep people safe. â€Å"Are you al right?†Samantha’s voice broke through Meredith’s thoughts. Startled, Meredith saw Samantha staring at her with wide, solemn dark eyes, taking in Meredith’s gritted teeth and clenched fists. â€Å"Not entirely,†said Meredith dryly. â€Å"Um.†She felt like she had to explain her grimness. â€Å"Did you hear about what happened last night, the guy who was kil ed?†Samantha nodded slowly, her expression unreadable. â€Å"Well, he was the roommate of a real y good friend of mine. And I was with my friend today, trying to help him. It was †¦ upsetting.†Samantha’s face seemed to harden, and she scrambled up on her knees. â€Å"Listen, Meredith,†she said, â€Å"I promise you this isn’t going to happen again. Not on my watch.†â€Å"On your watch?†Meredith asked mildly. Suddenly, it felt hard to breathe. â€Å"I have responsibilities,†Samantha said. She dropped her eyes to her hands. â€Å"I’m going to catch this kil er.†â€Å"It’s a big job,†Meredith said. It wasn’t possible, was it? But Samantha was such a good fighter, and what she was saying †¦ why would she think she was responsible for stopping the kil er? â€Å"What makes you think you can do it?†she asked. â€Å"I know this is difficult to believe, and I shouldn’t even be tel ing you, but I need your help.†Samantha was looking straight into her eyes, practical y vibrating with earnestness. â€Å"I’m a hunter. I was raised to†¦ I have a sacred trust. Al my family for generations, we’ve fought against evil. I’m the last of us. My parents were kil ed when I was thirteen.†Meredith gasped, shocked, but Samantha shook her head fiercely, pushing Meredith’s sympathy away. â€Å"They hadn’t finished training me,†she continued, â€Å"and I need you to help me get better, get faster. I’m not strong enough yet.†Meredith stared at her. â€Å"Please, Meredith,†Samantha said. â€Å"I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true. People are depending on me.†Unable to stop herself, Meredith started to laugh. â€Å"It’s not a joke,†Samantha said, jumping to her feet, her fists clenched. â€Å"This is†¦ I shouldn’t have said anything.†She stalked toward the door, her back as straight as a soldier’s. â€Å"Samantha, wait,†Meredith cal ed. Samantha whirled back toward her with a face ful of fury. Meredith took a quick breath and tried desperately to remember something she’d learned as a child but never had occasion to use. Crooking her pinkies together, she drew up her thumbs to make a triangle, the secret sign of greeting between two hunters. Samantha just stared at her, face perfectly blank. Meredith wondered if she remembered the sign correctly. Had Samantha’s family even taught it to her? Meredith knew there were other families out there, but she had never met any of them before. Her parents had left the hunter community before she was born. Then Samantha, moving as quickly as she ever had when they’d sparred, was before her, gripping her arms. â€Å"For real?†Samantha said. â€Å"Are you serious?†Meredith nodded, and Samantha threw her arms around her and clutched her tightly. Her heart was beating so hard that Meredith could feel it. Meredith stiffened at first – she wasn’t the touchy-feely type, despite being best friends with wildly affectionate Bonnie for years – but then relaxed into the hug, feeling Samantha’s slim, muscular body under her arms, so like her own. She had the strangest feeling of familiarity, as if she had been lost and had now found her true family at last. Meredith knew she could never say any of that, and part of her felt like she was betraying Elena and Bonnie just by thinking that way, but she couldn’t help it. Samantha pul ed away, smiling and weepy, wiping at her eyes and nose. â€Å"I’m acting stupid,†she said. â€Å"But this is the best thing that ever happened to me. Together, we can fight this.†She gave a half-hysterical sniff and gazed at Meredith with huge shining eyes. â€Å"I feel like I’ve made a new best friend,†she said. â€Å"Yes,†Meredith said – not weeping, not laughing, cool as ever on the outside but, inside, feeling like she was breaking into happy pieces – â€Å"yes, I think you’re right.†How to cite The Hunters: Moonsong Chapter Thirteen, Essay examples
Monday, May 4, 2020
Lennies Eulogy free essay sample
Lennies Eulogy Sometimes things happen, and there isnt always something that we can do to change it. Someones death will always be something to mourn about, but It also allows us to celebrate their life and bring everyone together. Lennies death Is most definitely a reason to bring us together, and even more of a reason to talk about and cherish. Lennie and I had a dfferent relationship than most people do. We stuck together wherever we went, and a lot of people questioned this. It was Just something that we did. He wouldnt make it on his own; I liked the company he gave me even If he did or said silly things. Lennie and I had been planning on saving enough to buy land together and have a bunch of different animals, and everyone told me that Lennie was just going to hold me back. We will write a custom essay sample on Lennies Eulogy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Sometimes I believe that he did. Not even I know why we stuck together; he and I had a strange friendship that we both we along with. sometimes not everyone understands Lennie or people Ilke him. He was never really readily accepted by others. He lacked in communication skills, and I saw it as e tried to talk to the other guys by the work field. He also had a mild mental disability, so I understood why it was harder for him. Lennie was almost too innocent and kind to be accepted. He didnt understand why Crooks was kept away and isolated from the rest of us. People like Curley would look down on Lennie, because he didnt talk much. In Lennies defense though, he always go his work done. Even though it isnt fair to Lennie, some people cant help but not accept him. We all have strengths that add and take away from us. Lennie was a really big, strong boy, and it was used to his advantage when it came to working on the fields. He got the job done every single time. Lennie really loved petting small, furry things, which is fine. In his case it ended badly almost every time he had an encounter. At our job at Curlers field, they had a group of new born puppies which fascinated Lennie. One day he was petting his puppy too hard and too rough, and the puppy died. In this sense he wasnt and never actually was aware of how strong he really was. Emotionally too, Lennie was almost always too naive to realize if someone was saying something about him in a way that wasnt positive. I would consider that a strength though, because it never bothered him personally. As we can see, Lennies strengths are what made him himself. As yall can see, Lennie was a great person and a great friend to me and everyone else he encountered. Lennie was a great friend, and I know that Just Ilke me, Vall will miss him so much. I hated to see him go, but Im glad It was me and not Curley that killed him. Thats the one thing I would never change. By emilypaigel 23 change it. Someones death will always be something to mourn about, but it also allows us to celebrate their life and bring everyone together. Lennies death is most Lennie and I had a different relationship than most people do. We stuck together did. He wouldnt make it on his own; I liked the company he gave me even if he did or was Just going to hold me back. Sometimes I believe that he did. Not even I know why Sometimes not everyone understands Lennie or people like him. He was never he didnt talk much. In Lennies defense though, he always go his work done. Even though it isnt fair to Lennie, some people cant help but not accept him. He got the Job done every single time. Lennie really loved petting small, furry things, our Job at Curleys field, they had a group of new born puppies which fascinated died. In this sense he wasnt and never actually was aware of how strong he really else he encountered. Lennie was a great friend, and I know that Just like me, yall will miss him so much. I hated to see him go, but Im glad it was me and not Curley that
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